
Welcome to the Teddy Bear Squad, a squad of 10,001 unique one of a kind teddy bears, that were made using over 200 hand drawn traits.

200 +
Hand Drawn Elements

Teddy Bear Squad Art!

    Teddy Bear Squad Teddy Bear Squad is a unique NFT collection of 10,001 Teddy Bears generated from over 200+ hand drawn traits. We have been working on this for over 3 months now, focusing on perfecting the art as well as planning ahead to ensure a future for the collection.
    Our goal Our goal is to stand out from all other projects and focus on the quality and beauty of the art. Some traits will be common, rare, super rare, and even LEGENDARY! Meaning how often they appear will range from very often to just once. All Teddy Bears are custom generated (Except the Teddy God and the Legendary Teddy bears) and will be launching on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Our Story

The Start

You may be asking yourself, “How did this all come to be?” It’s quite simple, actually. Simple - and remarkable.

Once upon a time, there lived 10 Legendary Teddy Bears, created by The Teddy God himself, they decided to sacrifice a part of their essence in order to create a new breed based on them. In order to prevent an uprising and maintain order they created the teddy bears with a limited life span and scattered them across the galaxy.

and the mission was complete: all the teddy bears - all 9,991 of them - have been united. As they became more confident, the Teddy Bears started to show up in society. However a few questions were left unanswered, “Who created us? Can more teddy bears be created?”, with those questions in mind they set out on a new quest, to find the truth behind their species.


You may be asking yourself, “How did this all come to be?” It’s quite simple, actually. Simple - and remarkable.

Once upon a time, there lived 10 Legendary Teddy Bears, created by The Teddy God himself, they decided to sacrifice a part of their essence in order to create a new breed based on them. In order to prevent an uprising and maintain order they created the teddy bears with a limited life span and scattered them across the galaxy.

Everything went according to their plan until one day one of the teddy bears woke up, and decided to take a walk through the woods, much to his surprise, he spotted another teddy bear - just like him! The two teddy bears, realizing that they’re not alone in the world, decided to work together - and went on a journey to find out if there were more teddy bears out there. After 4 months of searching, the teddy bear squad was officially formed, and the mission was complete: all the teddy bears - all 9,991 of them - have been united.

As they became more confident, the Teddy Bears started to show up in society. However a few questions were left unanswered, “Who created us? Can more teddy bears be created?”, with those questions in mind they set out on a new quest, to find the truth behind their species. The journey to discover the truth was difficult and filled with dangers, the Teddy Bears had to learn to protect themselves through rigorous training. While in training, a mad scientist teddy bear had a crazy thought, to become powerful, a god, so he began crafting elixirs that will help him achieve that.

The 10 legendary teddy bears watching all that is occurring from above panicked and decided to take action in order to prevent the mad scientist’s from achieving his goal, they altered the elixirs. How will the elixirs affect the bears ? Will it make them powerful ? Or perhaps something else..

To be continued...

Road Map
TBS To The MOON 🚀10,001 unique teddy bears get released (with 70 reserved for the team and for giveaways). As well you will get $TBST token every day that you are holding Teddy Bears.
Give Back We will be giving away $100,000 to the lucky holder of the Zeus Teddy Bear! As well as additional $10,000 to anyone else holding a legendary teddy bear.
We will DONATE 100,000$ to an orphanage that will be chosen by our Discord Community.
Breeding We will start working on a breeding mechanism, you will be required to have 2 Teddy Bears as well as a Bottle in order to breed. (A bottle will be purchasable using our $TBST)
Merch Drops We will launch a line of Teddy Bear Squad Merch, as well as allow any Teddy Bear holder to order custom merch with his teddy bear printed on.
Pysical & Digital Events Exclusive real world and online events only for Squad Members! More information is a secret that will be revealed to the squad at a later date.
Oh no... Oh no! Something is happening to the teddy bears, something is taking over them.. RUN!!

Floor sweeping

Teddy Bear Squad are not meant to be sold for cheap. For that, we'll use all royalties to sweep the floor on secondary market.


Make sure you own 2 Teddy Bears in order to be able to breed them in the future. .


Rock the Teddy Bear Squad Merch, as well as custom designed for your teddy bears!

Exclusive events

Secret hangouts and parties both physical & virtual for squad members only.


Mint and hold your teddy bear to gain $TBST that will be used in the future for features such as breeding!

Digital & Physical Marketing

Our marketing experts will not stop pushing it! we will be everywhere.

Coming Soon

Every min have uniqe teddy bear that choosen randomly.

Total : Soon reveal

Max : 8

Our Game

While waiting for the minting to start, play our game and get a mini “spoiler” of what we’re planning. Also in one of the levels there is a secret code, only the first person to find and post it in our discord server will win a free Teddy Bear which will be sent to them once we launch. We will be checking everyday to see if anyone posted the code and only the first person to post it will win!

Our Team
Gimme - Developer Genius
Over 6+ Years Experience
Jeramy - Marketing Cannon
Make thing diffrent
Anastasia - Art director
Since she was 6 years old
Loue - Community Manager
Make everything to active

Yes, we will be holding a presale 1 day prior to the public launch for our Whitelist members. Please join our Discord to learn how you can join the Whitelist. The Whitelist spots will be very limited.

The public launch will be held on December 21st, 2021, at 9 PM EST, while the presale will be held December 20st at 4 PM EST

You can use your Teddy Bear as a profile picture online, and you can also resell your Teddy Bear for profit. Once breeding functions launch, you will be able to earn Teddy Bear tokens daily. If you accumulate enough, you will be able to burn these tokens to generate new tedddy bears , $TBST

Yes, 10% of the secondary sales will be deducted in royalties for the Teddy Bear Squad team. 70% of those royalties will go towards marketing, to make sure that the project continues to grow.